4 cancer crushing reasons to eat garlic, on national garlic day.

4 cancer crushing reasons to eat garlic, on national garlic day.

It's NATIONAL GARLIC DAY. What better way to celebrate that with some positive research that Bowel Cancer Australia  put together. Not only does this little gem of a bulb add so much flavour and deliciousness to our food, it helps to balance out some not so nice bacteria in our bodies (this study also included garlic's favourite cousin- ginger).  Now lets mention some of its award winning skills; it ability to influence blood pressure and cholesterol levels . The immune system seems to have a loving relationship with it,  a small study demonstrated a single meal containing raw, crushed garlic can influence the expression of cancer-related genes , in humans. Although no large studies available, there are small studies demonstrating an influence of a controlled garlic intake on visual memory and executive function , further research is needed. Why not start to include it in your daily healthy food intake and reap some protective and preventative benefits.

So grab your apple (yes that helps to get rid of garlic breath), get your peppermint oil ready and remember to add garlic to your meals today and always!

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Integrative Oncology Support. For you and your family.

Integrative Oncology Support. For you and your family.